01. 「新規お取引先登録申請書」に必要事項をご記入頂き、FAXまたはメールで添付してお送りください。
02. お取引き開始に先立ち、弊社にて審査させて頂きます。(※社内規定に基づき一週間以内にご連絡いたします。)
03. ご契約/ご提出頂いた申請書に不備がなければ登録完了です。
04. お取引開始/弊社指定のご発注方法にてご発注をお願い致します。
Aqua Global Foods Co., Ltd. currently produces many varieties of oysters.
Aqua Global Foods Co., Ltd. is able to supply premium oysters when in season.
Should you be interested in our company and our oyster products, kindly complete the below application.
■Procedure method
01. Please complete the attached form and return to us via FAX or Email.
02. 02. Upon receiving your application,
we will review and one of our representatives will contact you within a week.
03. A contract will be presented and signed by both parties.
04. We will commence our business relationship once we receive your initial order.
Aqua Global Foods Co., Ltd. is currently looking for international suppliers.
Aqua Global Foods Co., Ltd. is currently looking for international suppliers.
In addition to oysters, we would like to establish long term business relationships with various international seafood suppliers.
Our main focus is to supply the majority of oyster bars,restaurants and retail supermarkets in the Japanese market.
We would like to work collectively to sell and market your seafood products.